Jeffco Point-In-Time Count Volunteer Signup
To create a systemic response in Jefferson County, Colorado that prevents and ends homelessness whenever possible, and when it cannot be prevented, ensures it is a rare, brief and one-time experience.
Learn more about how Heading Home implements this vision:
Heading Home Meeting Schedule
2024 Quarterly Meeting Dates (3rd Tuesday of the month from 9 to 10:30 a.m.):
​December 17
Meetings will be held virtually unless otherwise posted. Reach out to Kerry Wrenick​ for an invite and access link.
Introduction of Regional Homeless Coordinator, Kerry Wrenick
Kerry Wrenick started in December as the Regional Homeless Coordinator for Jefferson County. This position is dedicated to supporting the City and County Managers in connecting the leadership needs to the solutions and services happening throughout the community. The goal is to align where we can, coordinate in all applicable areas, and make strategy and solution decisions jointly.
As we know, this is a large community with urban, rural and mountain needs. Leadership, strategies, and solutions need to be able to accommodate this diverse community. Jeffco is fortunate to have a very active and engaged community, a long-standing collaborative effort through Heading Home, and invested leaders that are all committed to moving forward. Kerry will be working both regionally across the metro area, as well as across the jurisdictions within Jeffco boundaries.
Kerry has led teams at the local, state, and national levels and is commended for her enthusiastic spirit and success in motivating around a shared cause. As a leader, she strives to build upon each person’s strengths and create teams where everyone feels valued and has a sense of belonging. Kerry’s most recent position within executive leadership shaped and set strategy, utilizing data-driven results to achieve high impact. Kerry brings her passion and commitment to addressing the systemic construct that perpetuates the issue of homelessness and garners the ability to provide accountability and proven impact measures. She values persons with lived experience as key contributors to critical conversations.
Kerry is a Licensed Master Social Worker having obtained a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Kansas State University and a master’s degree from the University of Kansas in Social Work.
The Metro Denver Homeless Initiative (MDHI) released its 2023 State of Homelessness report today, highlighting new data related to homelessness in the region. The report demonstrates the overall issue of homelessness across multiple sources including the region’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), the 2023 Point in Time (PIT) count, and the Colorado Department of Education’s McKinney Vento Act.